Bingham Town Council

Updated May 2023

Gareth Williams
Deputy Mayor
  07557 763 868
  12 Stainmore Grove, Bingham, NG13 8SF
  Declaration of Interests

Committee Membership:
Wynhill Re-development (Chair)
Community, Recreation and Amenities (Chair)
HR Committee
Representative for outside bodies:
Bingham Town Twinning Association
Armed Forces Covenant
Bingham High Street Group

Viv Leach
Andrew Shelton
  07764 605 220
  6 Welbeck Grove, Bingham, NG13 8RF
  Declaration of Interests

Committee Membership:
Car Park
Community, Recreation and Amenities
Planning (Chair)
Representative for outside bodies:
Friends of Bingham Linear Park
Bingham Business Club

Wayne Stapleton
  07913 381005
  7 Stanhope Way, Bingham, NG13 8BJ
  Declaration of Interests

Committee Membership:
Wynhill Re-development
Community, Recreation and Amenities
Planning (Vice Chair)
Representative for outside bodies:
Bingham Town Sports Club

Maureen Stockwood
  01949 875778
  46 Tythby Road, Bingham, NG13 8GP
  Declaration of Interests

Committee Membership:
Car Park
Finance, Policy and Resources
HR Committee (Vice Chair)
Representative for outside bodies:
Rural Services Network
Armed Forces Covenant

Bingham Representatives