Planning Applications Archive

Archived Planning Applications since 2017

App. Location Description

2016 Planning Applications

16/03121/FUL 51 Grantham Road Bingham Two storey rear extension, dormer window and internal alterations
16/03066/FUL 15 Douglas Road Bingham Single storey side and rear extension
16/02996/FUL Nottinghamshire Constabulary Police Station 18 Grantham Road Bingham Demolition of existing former police station and erection of a 66 bed residential care home
16/02974/TPO 34 The Banks Bingham Crown lift and reduction of 2x beech trees
16/02917/FUL 7 Langar Road Bingham First floor extension, single storey rear extension
16/02921/ADV 13 Eaton Place Bingham New internally illuminated shopfront signage and internally illuminated projecting sign to the front elevation. New foamex signage to the side elevation.
16/02829/FUL 11 Arden Grove Bingham Single storey side extension and new chimney
16/02759/FUL 50 Mallow Way Bingham Single storey side and rear extension
16/02692/ADV Co-Operative Group Ltd 35 Market Place Bingham Display illuminated and non illuminated advertisements
16/02677/NMA 23 Derry Lane Bingham Alterations and extension of existing dwelling, and two new dwellings in the garden (reduce height of dwelling)
16/02657/FUL 2 Newton Avenue Bingham Two storey extension to house and annex building in rear garden
16/02651/FUL 15 Newton Avenue Bingham Construction of a new three bedroom dwelling within the curtilage//boundary of 15 Newton Avenue.
16/02668/PAA 17 Nottingham Road Bingham single storey rear extension measuring 6m from the rear of the original dwelling (2.7m in depth added to an existing extension of 3.3m in depth) and having a flat roof height of 2.7m
16/02562/FUL 1 Carr Road Bingham Erection of 1 x boundary fence; retention of 1 x boundary fence
16/02598/TPO 6 Wychwood Road Bingham Thin and crown lift 2 x lime trees and 1 x maple tree thin out silver birch; reduce silver birch by 20% and reduce dead wood; reduce willow tree by 30% and remove dead wood
16/02489/DISCON Aldi Stores Ltd 64 – 74 Nottingham Road Bingham Discharge conditions 2, 4, 6 and 18 of planning permission 16/01295/VAR
16/02333/FUL Whitefields Farm Tithby Road Bingham Construct porch
16/02403/FUL 2 Stanhope Way Bingham first floor side extension over existing garage; lean-to roof on existing single storey side extension
16/02271/FUL 14 Goldcrest Close Bingham Single storey rear / side extension
16/02340/PAA 17 Nottingham Road Bingham single storey rear extension measuring 6.2m from the rear of the original dwelling and having a flat roof height of 2.7m
16/02213/FUL 47 Cogley Lane Bingham Front bay window extension to existing ground floor lounge
16/02139/DISCON 23 Derry Lane Bingham Discharge conditions 2, 4, 6, ,7 and 8 of planning permission 15/02794/FUL
16/02125/FUL Lidl Chapel Lane Bingham Proposed amendments to existing store access to accommodate two exit lanes and pedestrian refuge
16/02103/NMA Whitefields Farm Tithby Road Bingham Demolition of existing conservatory and outbuildings; new extension to provide kitchen/dining area with additional w.c.; office and store room. New porch and blocking up of windows on east elevation. (Addition of 4 no. rooflights; amend porch design to open oak frame on brick dwarf wall with tiled roof.)
16/02066/FUL 66 Eden Walk Bingham Single storey side extension
16/02043/FUL 30 Mill Hill Road Bingham Dormer window to front elevation
16/01950/ADV 25 Eaton Place Bingham Display two fascia signs
16/01945/COU First Floor Office 25 Eaton Place Bingham Change of use from B1 (office) to A1 (shop)
16/01965/NMA 7 Manor Road Bingham Two storey side extension; infill front porch; hip to gable roof alterations; extension to rear of roof (alterations to materials and fenestration at ground floor on front facade)
16/01955/NMA Commander Control Ltd 26 – 30 Moorbridge Road Bingham External and internal alterations (installation of new windows and doors)
16/01931/DISCON 11 And 13 Cogley Lane Bingham Discharge conditions 2, 4 and 9 of planning permission 15/01270/FUL
16/01861/TPO Birchlea 2 Beetham Close Bingham Crown reduction to 3 silver birch trees; crown thin lime tree by 20%
16/01808/FUL Land Adjacent 15 Derry Lane Bingham Proposed New Cottage and alterations to Existing Cottage
16/01792/FUL 22 Tithby Road Bingham (Demolish conservatory) Two storey rear extension; single storey front extension; first floor side extension
16/01628/FUL 2 Melvyn Drive Bingham Two storey side extension; single storey rear extension
16/01707/LBC Beauvale House 17 Market Place Bingham Replacement windows
16/01649/ADV Lidl Chapel Lane Bingham Free standing double sided billboard to the front of the site
16/01513/FUL 3 Priors Close Bingham Bedroom extension; kitchen extension; glazed link and garden room
16/01475/LBC The Bingham Public House Long Acre Bingham Use of premises as A1 (retail), A3 (restaurant) and three flats; division of rear building; additional toilets; reconstruction of single storey rear extension; repair of windows in east and west elevation and new windows to front elevation; reduction in height of boundary wall; replacement of rainwater goods; additional signage and storage container placement; reinstatement of lanterns; removal of drinks bar; construction of internal staircase; retention of flue
16/01464/FUL The Bingham Public House Long Acre Bingham Use of premises as A1 (retail), A3 (restaurant) and three flats; division of rear building; additional toilets; reconstruction of single storey rear extension; repair of windows in east and west elevation and new windows to front elevation; reduction in height of boundary wall; replacement of rainwater goods; additional signage and storage container placement; reinstatement of lanterns; removal of drinks bar; construction of internal staircase; retention of flue
16/01620/FUL 4 Fairfield Street Bingham New pitched roof over garage and porch
16/01508/FUL 5 St Marys Road Bingham Single storey side extension; rear veranda; new boundary fence and gates
16/01476/FUL 4 Fosters Lane Bingham Two storey side extension first floor rear extension over existing single storey extension
16/01233/FUL 28 Tithby Road Bingham Two storey side extension; pitched roofs to existing flat roofs at rear; new front porch; render to front elevation.
16/01575/DISCON Site Of Former Public House The Moot House Bowland Road Bingham Discharge condition 14 of planning permission 14/02062/FUL
16/01482/VAR Site Of Former Public House The Moot House Bowland Road Bingham Vary condition 6 (boundary treatment) and condition 11 (Submitted drawings) to enable open area of land to be encompassed within the garden curtilage of Plot 12.
16/01467/FUL 10 Newgate Street Bingham Conversion of outbuildings to a 2 bed dwelling and a new garage/drive to existing property
16/01475/LBC The Wheatsheaf Inn Long Acre Bingham Use of premises as A1 (retail), A3 (restaurant) and three flats. Divisiion of rear building. Additional toilets. Reconstruction of single storey rear extension. Repair of windows in east and west elevation and new windows to front elevation. Reduction in height of boundary wall. Replacement of rainwater goods. Additional signage and storage container placement. Reinstatement of lanterns. Removal of drinks bar. Construction of internal staircase. Retention of flue.
16/01464/FUL The Wheatsheaf Inn Long Acre Bingham Use of premises as A1 (retail), A3 (restaurant) and three flats. Divisiion of rear building. Additional toilets. Reconstruction of single storey rear extension. Repair of windows in east and west elevation and new windows to front elevation. Reduction in height of boundary wall. Replacement of rainwater goods. Additional signage and storage container placement. Reinstatement of lanterns. Removal of drinks bar. Construction of internal staircase. Retention of flue.
16/01400/FUL 1 Cowslip Close Bingham Single storey rear extension; roof to shed on side elevation
16/01467/FUL 10 Newgate Street Bingham Conversion of outbuildings to a 2 bed dwelling and a new garage/drive to existing property
16/01395/FUL 54 Eden Walk Bingham Raise height of roof and install 2 x dormer windows on front elevation and new second floor french doors; juliet balcony on north-west side elevation.
16/01446/FUL 17 Thoresby Road Bingham First Floor side extension
16/01296/FUL 53 Cherwell Gardens Bingham Single storey rear extension
16/01389/DISCON Site Of Former Public House The Moot House Bowland Road Bingham Discharge condition 10 of planning permission 14/02062/FUL relating to maintenance of open space area adjacent to plot 12.
16/01295/VAR Aldi Stores Ltd 64 – 74 Nottingham Road Bingham Amend condition 2 (the plan condition) and 15 (landscaping) of 15/01021/VAR to allow retention of additional car parking and alternative landscaping scheme.
16/01235/LBC 61 Long Acre Bingham Demolition and removal of existing kitchen and erection of two storey extension at the rear of the property providing a new lobby, kitchen and pantry to the ground floor and bedroom and WC to the first floor
16/01234/FUL 61 Long Acre Bingham Demolition and removal of existing kitchen and erection of two storey extension at the rear of the property providing a new lobby, kitchen and pantry to the ground floor and bedroom and WC to the first floor
16/01316/DISCON 30 Skylark Close Bingham Discharge condition 3 of planning permission 15/02485/FUL
16/01199/NMA 4 Hazel Close Bingham New dwelling and attached garage (addition of porch roof to front elevation. 1200 wide x 600 projection)
16/01229/FUL The Maples Derry Lane Bingham Single storey side extension
16/01004/FUL 7 Manor Road Bingham Two storey side extension; infill front porch; hip to gable roof alterations
16/00122/FUL 16 Gillotts Close Bingham Single storey front extension
16/00462/FUL 24 Tithby Road Bingham Single storey front and side extension to garage; single storey front extension; enlarge stairwell window on side elevation
16/00667/FUL 19 Gillotts Close Bingham New two storey side extension to form new playroom, ensuite and bedroom
16/00681/PAA 16 Fosters Lane Bingham single storey rear extension measuring 5.5m from the rear of the dwelling and having a flat roof height of 2.6m
16/00626/FUL 32 Swallow Drive Bingham Single storey rear extension to replace existing conservatory
16/00617/FUL Commander Control Ltd 26 – 30 Moorbridge Road Bingham External and internal alterations
16/00519/FUL 16 Musters Road Bingham First floor front extension
16/00515/FUL Agra Cottage 33 Long Acre Bingham Installation of external Kitchen Ventilation Flue
16/00547/FUL 1 Rupert Road Bingham Single storey rear extension; installation of flue
16/00509/FUL 8 Dark Lane Bingham Single storey front and side extensions
16/00510/FUL 16 Bluebell Bank Bingham First Floor Front and side extension
16/00551/DISCON Land East Of Chapel Lane Adjacent Level Crossing Chapel Lane Bingham Redischarge condition 7 relating to 10/01853/FUL
16/00549/NMA Land East Of Chapel Lane Adjacent Level Crossing Chapel Lane Bingham Retail store (A1), car parking, bus stop, pedestrian linkages, petrol filling station; landscaping; recycling facilities and access road (Vary conditions 20 and 22 to avoid removing vegetation prior to commencement (demolition) of the development)
16/00440/DISCON Land West Of Chapel Lane South Of Euro Filter Limited Chapel Lane Bingham Discharge conditions 4, 12, 14 and 16 of planning permission 14/02429/FUL
16/00439/DISCON Foley Books Limited 64 Nottingham Road Bingham Discharge condition 13 of planning permission 15/01021/VAR
16/00431/GDOTEL Radio Mast EE Reference 99458 Chapel Lane Bingham 19 metre high monopole to be installed
16/00388/FUL 2 Bishops Road Bingham Rebuild front porch
16/00334/FUL 24 Victoria Road Bingham First floor, side extension
16/00414/ADV Land West Of Chapel Lane South Of Euro Filter Limited Chapel Lane Bingham 3 x external, illuminated moodboards on northern elevation
16/00394/PAA 18 Stanhope Way Bingham single storey rear extension
16/00354/FUL 11 Eaton Place Bingham Change of Use to A3 and A5 (Cafe and Takeaway)
16/00284/FUL 15 Tithby Road Bingham Single storey rear extension
16/00345/FUL 5 Langar Road Bingham Single storey side extension; garage conversion
16/00376/FUL 2 Grove Road Bingham Front Porch
16/00394/PAA 18 Stanhope Way Bingham single storey rear extension
16/00239/DISCON Land South East Of Tithby Road Bingham Confirmation of discharge of conditions on planning permissions 07/02276/OUT and 11/01073/VAR
16/00214/DISCON 8 The Banks Bingham Discharge condition 3 of planning permission 15/02013/FUL
16/00208/FUL 34 Grove Road Bingham Single storey rear extension
16/00176/FUL 71 Long Acre Bingham Single storey side/rear extension
16/00169/ADV Foley Books Limited 64 Nottingham Road Bingham The proposal is to erect an internally illuminated wall mounted sign, a double sided illuminated pole entrance sign, a freestanding illuminated poster sign, two freestanding metal hoop style signs and a non-illuminated vinyl sign to the store entrance + (revised scheme)
16/00134/FUL 25 Tithby Road Bingham Replacement of single storey pitched roofs with two storey side extension and single and two storey rear extension with associated external works and new parking and turning area
15/02801/COU 1 Honeysuckle Grove Bingham Change of use of external log cabin to dog grooming business (retrospective)
15/02489/FUL 7 Rothbury Grove Bingham Erect 1.8m high boundary fence

2015 Planning Applications

15/02916/FUL Kismet Derry Lane Bingham Garage conversion
15/02911/DISCON 64 Nottingham Road Bingham Discharge condition 14 of planning permission 14/02549/FUL
15/02794/FUL 23 Derry Lane Bingham Alterations and extension of existing dwelling, and two new dwellings in the garden
15/02699/FUL 16 Kirk Hill Bingham Alterations including canopy over new external door and reduced size of existing canopy roof
15/02120/FUL 9 Cherry Street Bingham Garage conversion & extension to the side of the property. A change of use is also required as an addition to the property’s existing domestic usage. The change of use is to allow the applicant to run a small Orthopaedic business from the property
15/02816/FUL Toot Hill Comprehensive School The Banks Bingham Proposed new dining facility in place of an existing portacabin
15/02776/DEMOL The Old Railway Yard Chapel Lane Bingham Demolition of goods building and extension
15/02624/FUL 3 Trefoil Close Bingham Single-storey, side extension, new rear access door and level access to front entrance door
15/02328/FUL 14 Grizedale Grove Bingham Proposed two storey extension of the side of semi detached property
15/02601/FUL Cromwell House 3 Station Street Bingham Change of use of garage/dental surgery into dwelling including external alterations
15/02485/FUL 30 Skylark Close Bingham Two storey side extension
15/02549/ADV Land West Of Chapel Lane Chapel Lane Bingham 1 x Lidl Pylon Signage 1 x Lidl Directional Arrow 2 x Lidl Eaves Logo Signs 4 x Freestanding billboards 1 x Freestanding Poster Display Unit
15/02538/NMA Development Site Of Former Methodist Church Union Street Bingham Division of retial space into two units and communal bin store (internal alteration)
15/02440/FUL 34A Long Acre Bingham Installation of new windows
15/02439/FUL 20 Campion Way Bingham First floor front extension
15/02410/FUL 23 Garden Road Bingham Two storey & single storey rear extension
15/02385/FUL 37 Ringwood Road Bingham Proposed first floor bedroom extension
15/02272/FUL 4 Banks Crescent Bingham Two storey front extension; hipped roof to existing garage; new porch
15/02013/FUL 8 The Banks Bingham Single storey rear extension; replace flat roof with pitched roof
15/02393/DISCON Complete Joinery Midlands Ltd 33 Long Acre Bingham Discharge conditions 2,3,4,5 and 8 of planning permission 15/01026/FUL
15/02386/COU Chesterfield House 1 Station Street Bingham Change of use from D1 use to a gymnasium and personal training studio (D2)
15/02341/VAR Land To The West Of Chapel Lane Bingham Amend Condition 7 (access arrangements) and removal of Condition 10(i) signal improvements attached to planning application Ref 14/02429/FUL
15/01809/FUL 7 Porchester Road Bingham single storey extension to side and rear
15/01924/VAR Land At Former RAF Newton Wellington Avenue Newton Removal of Condition 13(d) of planning permission 15/00583/VAR which would remove the requirement to deliver the pedestrian and cycle bridge
15/01903/FUL 29 East Street Bingham Conservatory to front elevation
15/01872/VAR 19 Fosters Lane Bingham Variation of condition 7 of planning permission 10/00533/FUL to allow occupation of two x3 bedroom houses on southern most plots prior to details of the access and parking/turning area being submitted, approved and implimented
15/01673/DISCON Land To West Of Chapel Lane Bingham Discharge conditions 3,8,10,15,17,23 and 24 of planning application 14/02429/FUL
15/01344/FUL 28 Rockingham Grove Bingham Erect new dwelling.
15/01418/FUL 25 Langdale Grove Bingham First floor extension over existing ground floor
15/01435/FUL 10 Perry Grove Bingham Convert and extend potting shed into garden room
15/01322/FUL 3 – 5 Union Street Bingham Replace existing timber shop front with entrance door repositioned to one side to create an internal ramp for wheelchair access.
15/01213/FUL 12 Fosters Lane Bingham Atleration of hipped roof to gable end and addition of a second floor rear dormer roof extension
15/01402/DISCON Site Of Former Public House The Moot House Bowland Road Bingham Discharge conditions 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 12 of planning application 14/02062/FUL
15/01363/DISCON Land West Of Chapel Lane Bingham Discharge of condition 25 of planning application 14/02429/FUL
15/01244/FUL Old Railway Yard Chapel Lane Bingham Retain replacement fencing to compound, fence northern boundary, erect internal gate and resurface bridleway
15/01364/FUL 25 Nursery Road Bingham Rear Ground Floor Extension
15/01270/FUL 11 And 13 Cogley Lane Bingham Erection of two new two storey houses with attached garages following demolition of existing dwellings
15/01254/FUL 4 Grove Road Bingham First Storey extension to rear and front porch
15/01257/FUL 9 Bluebell Bank Bingham Move an existing 6ft feather edge fence to approx 600 mm from boundary line
15/01286/FUL 20 Fosters Lane Bingham Replace felt flat roof on existing pair of garages with tiled hip pitched roof
15/01109/FUL 20 Long Acre East Bingham Single storey flat roofed extension to rear of dormer Bungalow
15/01086/FUL 74 Oak Avenue Bingham Replace existing fence with new 1.8m high-fence and insall new fence to side and front garden (1.2 – 1.5m high)
15/01058/VAR Site Of Former Public House The Moot House Bowland Road Bingham Vary condition 11 of application number 14/02062/FUL to allow minor amendments including window styles and elevational treatment of plots 10, 11 & 12
15/01024/FUL 7 Rothbury Grove Bingham Erection of boundary fence to enclose side garden on corner plot
15/01017/ADV Foley Books Limited 64 Nottingham Road Bingham The proposal is to erect an internally illuminated wall mounted sign, a double sided illuminated pole entrance sign, a freestanding illuminated poster sign, two freestanding metal hoop style signs and a non-illuminated vinyl sign to the store entrance.
15/01021/VAR Foley Books Limited 64 Nottingham Road Bingham Vary condittion 8 and remove condition 10 of planning permission 14/02549/FUL
15/01026/FUL 33 Long Acre Bingham Erection of building for use as retail and heritage centre, Extension to 33 Long Arce to from shop units, storageroom and toilet. Removal of corrugated roof and formation of covered way. Use of 33 Long Acre as A3 with flat over. Extension to existing retail units. siting of storage container improvement to access including partial demolition of wall.
15/00117/DISCON 65 Long Acre Bingham Discharge of condition 2 of planning application 14/02190/FUL
15/00994/FUL 9 Newgate Street Bingham Widen gatewayby 1.4 to improve access, render outside (street) wall, re-render below damp proof course and re-render out back walls
15/00925/NMA Foley Books Limited 64 Nottingham Road Bingham New retail food store-class A1 replacing existing garage, warehouse and 3 houses( Lobby entrance, pedestrian crossing and the loss of two car parking spaces)
15/00869/VAR 39 Long Acre Bingham Removal of condition 8 attached to planning permission 13/01233/FUL relating to the parking area
15/00838/PAA 10 Tithby Road Bingham Single storey rear extension measuring 4m from the rear of the original dwelling; having an eaves height of 2.5m and a mximum ridge height of 3.6m
15/00784/CMA Bingham Library Eaton Place Bingham Renovation of west facing elevation wall
15/00763/DISCON Land To The West Of Chapel Lane Bingham Discharge of condition 18, 19, 20, and 26 of planning application 14/02429/FUL
15/00706/VAR 9 Cherry Street Bingham Vary condition 2 and remove condition 7 of 12/01751/EXT to allow revisions to access driveway
15/00601/CTY Carnarvon Primary School Nursery Road Bingham Proposed enclosure of open courtyard and associated works
15/00559/FUL 19 Priors Close Bingham (Demolition of conservatory) single storey rear extension
15/00150/FUL Wakefield House 11 Fisher Lane Bingham Change of use from office to residential (reverting back to its previous state).
15/00405/NMA Rufford Lodge 20 Newgate Street Bingham Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of new dwelling with basement accommodation; conversion of outbuildings to provide ancillary accommodation; front boundary wall (Amendments to front boundary treatment)
15/00233/FUL 18 Stanhope Way Bingham Two storey side and single storey rear extension
15/00224/DISCON Site Of Former Public House The Moot House Bowland Road Bingham Discharge of Condition 4 and 5 of Planning permission 14/02062/FUL
15/00175/ADV 27 Market Place Bingham Installation of the following shopfront signage, post removal of signage currently in situ: 1no. 515mm high fascia with 1no. set 360mm high internally illuminated NatWest lettering and chevron logo; 1no. 500mm high externally illuminated hanging sign; 1no. 2020mm high ATM surround. Other permitted signage: 1no. 200mm high vinyl ATM tablet: 1no. 830mm high vinyl ATM surround: 1no. nameplate: 1no. web/tel vinyl
15/00150/FUL Wakefield House 11 Fisher Lane Bingham Change of use from office to residential (reverting back to its previous state).
15/00233/FUL 18 Stanhope Way Bingham Two storey side and single storey rear extension
15/00224/DISCON Site Of Former Public House The Moot House Bowland Road Bingham Discharge of Condition 4 and 5 of Planning permission 14/02062/FUL
15/00175/ADV 27 Market Place Bingham Installation of the following shopfront signage, post removal of signage currently in situ: 1no. 515mm high fascia with 1no. set 360mm high internally illuminated NatWest lettering and chevron logo; 1no. 500mm high externally illuminated hanging sign; 1no. 2020mm high ATM surround. Other permitted signage: 1no. 200mm high vinyl ATM tablet: 1no. 830mm high vinyl ATM surround: 1no. nameplate: 1no. web/tel vinyl
15/00117/DISCON 65 Long Acre Bingham Discharge of condition 2 of planning application 14/02190/FUL
15/00010/FUL Moor FarmHouse 8-10 East Street Bingham Alterations and extensions to Moor Farmhouse including two storey front extension, recladding and reroofing existing front two storey wing, new and alterations to existing

2014 Planning Applications

Some of the following applications will not connect to Rushcliffe Borough Council because they have moved the location of the files. Please go to and search for the application using the number.
14/02692/FUL 3 Dark Lane Bingham Demolition of single garage and replacement with single storey family annex, internal alterations and enlarge garden acess door
14/02693/DISCON Bingham Methodist Church Union Street Bingham Discharge of condition 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 of planning application 14/00811/FUL
14/02665/VAR Bingham Methodist Church Union Street Bingham 1Variation of condition 13 (approved plan numbers) on 14/02665/VAR including amendments to materials, position of retail entrance, roof access structure and windows
14/02604/FUL 11/11A Market Place Bingham Demolition of entrance porches, build two storey link extension for A2 office accommodation, change of use of first floors to residential, change of use of existing house 11A to A1 and A2 and residential flat to first floor. Balconies to flats. Works to basement to provide office and external alterations to building.
14/02605/DISCON Fosse Farm Fosse Way Bingham Discharge of condition 2 of planning application 14/02191/FUL
14/02549/FUL 64 Nottingham Road Bingham New retail food store-class A1 replacing existing garage, warehouse and 3 houses
14/02539/FUL 4 Stanhope Way Bingham Two storey side extension with porch at front of dwelling
14/02575/NMA 1 Betony Close Bingham Proposed first floor extensions over study (including link and new side first floor window) ( Removal of 1 no.550×778 roof light to south west elevation and insertion of 1 no high level 550×778 obscure roof light to north west elevation)
14/02500/ADV Buttercross Pre School Robert Miles Infant School School Lane Bingham Replacement signage scheme
14/02429/FUL Land West Of Chapel Lane Bingham Erection of 2,160 sqm gross retail unit with car parking and servicing areas and associated works
14/02473/DISCON 9 Cherry Street Bingham Discharge of condition 3, 5, 6 of planning application 12/01751/EXT
14/02426/FUL 38 Nottingham Road Bingham Side extension to an existing dormer bungalow minor interal alterations, paving of existing pebbled drive and forming car turning area within site
14/02369/FUL 7 Musters Road Bingham Single storey extension to form dining room, conservatory and store
14/02235/FUL Land North Of Pavilion Wynhill Court Bingham Retain two metal storage containers on site under previous planning application 10/01712/FUL and site a third storage container measuring 6.4m x 2.45m x 2.4m tall
14/02356/DISCON 1 Betony Close Bingham Discharge of condition 3 of application 14/01139/FUL
14/02358/NMA 1 Betony Close Bingham Proposed first floor extensions over study (including link and new side first floor window). (Removal of first floor side window and replacement of two high level obscure roof lights. Change of garage personnel door position and door height of new personnel door lower than boundary fence with obscure glass
14/02190/FUL 65 Long Acre Bingham Single Storey side extension
14/02187/NMA Fosse Farm Fosse Way Bingham Conversion of farm buildings to dwelling and demolition of exisiting barn
14/02283/FUL 25 Nightingale Way Bingham Two storey extension to side of property
14/02272/FUL Cromwell House 3 Station Street Bingham New detached double garage and new access from highway
14/02191/FUL Fosse Farm Fosse Way Bingham Existing barn to be removed and replaced with garage
14/02183/FUL 5 Osprey Close Bingham Single storey extension and garage conversion
14/02143/FUL 16 Goldcrest Close Bingham Removal of existing conservatory, proposed new two storey side extension and single storey rear extension
14/02062/FUL The Moot House Bowland Road Bingham Proposed demolition of public house and construction of 13 dwellings (3 no. 4 bedroom dwellings, 8 no. 3 bedroom dwellings and 2 no. 2 bedroom dwellings) access road and landscaping
14/02079/NMA 4 Banes Road Bingham Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension (Amendments to materials proposed, alterations to contiguration and proportions of windows old rendering of rear elevation)
14/02059/FUL Old Post Office Yard Long Acre Bingham Retrospective changeof use of former post office sorting offices to A1 retail shops. External alterations to frontages and rooflights to roof
14/02021/DISCON 4 Banes Road Bingham Discharge Condition 3 of planning permission 14/00118/FUL
14/01868/FUL Whitefields Farm Tithby Road Bingham Demolition of existing conservatory and outbuildings; new extension to provide kitchen/dining area with additional w.c.; office and store room. New porch and blocking up of windows on east elevation
14/01870/DISCON Land East Of Chapel Lane Adjacent Level Crossing Chapel Lane Bingham Discharge condition 15 on planning permission 10/01853/FUL
14/01791/FUL 11 Orchard Avenue Bingham Conservatory
14/01801/CMA Severn Trent Water Ltd Sewage Pumping Station Cogley Lane Bingham Erection of one kiosk and associated installation of new fencing and gates following the lawful demolition of the existing building and installation of a swing jib under permitted development rights
14/01784/FUL 1A The Banks Bingham Replacement window frames and doors
14/01697/FUL 10 Tithby Road Bingham Installation of vehicular access
14/01634/FUL 33 Nottingham Road Bingham Creation of front driveway with dropped kerb access
14/01624/FUL 6 Crow Court Bingham Single storey extension and garage conversion; erection of front porch
14/01738/DISCON 23 Rockingham Grove Bingham Discharge condition 3 on planning permission 12/01999/FUL
14/01666/FUL 5 Holme Road Bingham Single storey extension to front elevation to provide a ground floor shower room, study and enlarged hall
14/01521/DISCON Land East Of Chapel Lane Adjacent Level Crossing Chapel Lane Bingham Discharge condition 30 BREEAM relating to planning permission 10/01853/FUL
14/01501/FUL 24 The Banks Bingham Single storey extension to rear of dwelling
14/01489/VAR 9 Cherry Street Bingham Vary condition 2 of 12/01751/EXT to allow changes to approved plans which propose 2 no. rooflights and re-position of fence
14/01236/TPO 12 Brewsters Close Bingham Fell two lime trees
14/01425/FUL 14 Musters Road Bingham First floor extension
14/01316/LBC 16 Long Acre East Bingham Replacement and refurbishment of yorkshire sash, box sash and casement windows
14/01317/FUL The Moot House Bowland Road Bingham Demolish existing public house and construct 14 dwellings (2 no. 2 bedroom semi-detached, 4 no. 3 bedroom semi-detached; 4 no. 3 bedroom detached; 4 no. 4 bedroom detached)
14/01130/FUL 3 Abbey Road Bingham Two storey extension at side of the property and a single storey extension at the rear
14/01218/FUL Land West Of Chapel Lane Bingham Flood management works to Car Dyke including alteration to alignment, excavation of a lake and raising of surrounding land with surplus soil. Removal of existing structures on the watercourse and where necessary replacement with structures (resubmission
14/01198/FUL Bingham Railway Station Station Street Bingham The addition of DDA complaint ramps to the station footbridge and the removal of the requisite trees
14/01158/LBC The Bingham Long Acre Bingham Retain extraction unit (apply powder coated black finish)
14/01157/FUL The Bingham Long Acre Bingham Retain extraction unit (apply powder coated block and install motor)
14/01139/FUL 1 Betony Close Bingham Proposed first floor extensions over study and garage (including link and new side first floor window)
14/01108/DISCON 15 Rothbury Grove Bingham Discharge condition 3 relating to 11/01732/FUL
14/01171/PAA 11 Cherry Street Bingham Single storey rear extension having a depth of 3.6m from the rear of the original dwelling, having a ridge height of 3.8m and an eaves height of 2.4m.
14/01169/DISCON Land East Of Chapel Lane Adjacent Level Crossing Chapel Lane Bingham Discharge conditions 7, 10, 23 and 33 relating to 10/01853/FUL
14/01142/DISCON Toot Hill Comprehensive School The Banks Bingham Discharge condition 8 relating to 12/01824/FUL
14/01141/CTY Bingham Infant School School Lane Bingham Widening of an external access ramp to the rear elevation and forming of a new external opening
14/01042/FUL 89 Long Acre Bingham Extension to first floor existing dwelling
14/01041/NMA 19 Fisher Lane Bingham Replacement garage (Alterations to siting of the garage)
14/01034/DISCON Toot Hill Comprehensive School The Banks Bingham Discharge condition 2 relating to 14/00239/FUL
14/01033/DISCON Toot Hill Comprehensive School The Banks Bingham Discharge conditions 9 and 10 relating to 12/01824/FUL
14/00999/FUL 32 Grove Road Bingham Demolition of linked garage and replace with two storey side extention. Addition of front porch alterations to dining room to create utility room W/C and allered openings to access garden
14/01009/PAA 19 Fairfield Street Bingham Single storey rear extension measuring 5.5m from the rear of the existing dwelling, having a ridge height of 2.6m and an eaves height of 2.4m
14/00947/FUL 55 St Marys Road Bingham Single storey and two storey extension and balistrading to form balcony (re-submission of 13/01928/FUL)
14/00888/FUL 8 Moor Farmhouse East Street Bingham Alterations and extensions including two storey front extension, recladding and reroofing existing front ‘wing’ and two storey rear extension and single storey side extension, new and alterations to existing windows
14/00820/FUL 4 Pinfold Bingham Replace flat roof to single storey porch; carport and garage with tiled pitched roof
14/00803/FUL 4 Spinney Road Bingham Construct garage and boundary fence (resubmission of 09/01102/FUL)
14/00602/CLUPRD 17 Angelica Court Bingham Conversion of garage to form study and utility room (work complete), proposed internal alterations including alterations to rear and side door and windows
14/00813/VAR 37 Long Acre Bingham Removal of condition 6 on pp 13/01233/FUL relating to the visibility splay shown on the approved plan
14/00811/FUL Bingham Methodist Church Union Street Bingham Demolition of existing church and hall. Construction of new church and community facilities with office and retail space
14/00576/FUL 18 Hill Drive Bingham Replacement Conservatory
14/00414/PAA 22 Calder Gardens Bingham Single strorey rear extension
14/00277/DEMOL Railway Crossing Chapel Lane Bingham Demolition of Bingham signal box
14/00317/DISCON Land East Of Chapel Lane Adjacent Level Crossing Chapel Lane Bingham Discharge conditions 8, 13, 16, 17, 21, 26, 29 and 31 of planning permission 10/01853/FUL
14/00290/CTY Bingham Library Eaton Place Bingham Refurbishment and adaptations to the library, including replacement windows and doors. Adaptations to the former health centre to form a childrens centre. Refurbishment of entrance canopy
14/00174/FUL 2 Hazel Close Bingham New dwelling and detached garage
14/00239/FUL Toot Hill Comprehensive School The Banks Bingham Construction of ancillary 24 space car park with associated drainage
14/00141/FUL 4-6 Nottingham Road Bingham Extensions to existing building to accommodate post office (A1 use)
14/00200/NMA 22 Newgate Street Bingham Dormer window and rooflight to rear elevation (following removal of chimney). Rooflight to front elevation (Dormer window to incorporate a juliet balcony)
14/00134/FUL 6 Raymond Drive Bingham Shed
14/00118/FUL 4 Banes Road Bingham Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension
14/00189/PAA 56 Eden Walk Bingham extension
14/00099/DISCON 23 Rockingham Grove Bingham Discharge conditions 3, 4 and 5 on planning permission 12/01999/FUL
14/00057/FUL 20 Market Street Bingham Change of use from A1 (shop) to A3 (Restaurant) and A5 (hot food takeaway) including associated internal alterations and replacement of shop front
14/00051/FUL 2 Rowan Close Bingham Two storey side extension and single storey front and rear extensions forming ‘granny flat’
14/00007/NMA 23 Rockingham Grove Bingham Construct new dwelling including access and means of enclosure

2013 Planning Applications

13/02451/DISCON Land East Of Chapel Lane Adjacent Level Crossing Chapel Lane Bingham Discharge of conditions 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 14, 22 and 32 on planning permission 10/01853/FUL
13/02477/NMA Toot Hill Comprehensive School The Banks Bingham Construction of single and two storey teaching block (omission of south disabled access ramp and provision of disabled platform lift. Removal of secondary footpath of the north of site. Regrading existing footpath)
13/02323/FUL Aura Furniture Chapel Lane Bingham Extension to factory premises and erection of portable spray booth
13/02359/FUL 8 Partridge Close Bingham Single storey extension
13/02357/FUL 11A Market Street Bingham Change of use to hot food takeaway (planning use class A5)
13/02007/DISCON 3 Newgate Street Bingham Discharge condition 8 on planning permission 12/00259/VAR
13/02283/FUL 23 Moorbridge Road Bingham Proposed two storey extension to existing factory unit (revised scheme)
13/02335/FUL 35 Porchester Road Bingham Single storey side extension to form bedroom and bathroom
13/02198/FUL 31 Harebell Gardens Bingham Ground floor extension to side of dwelling
13/02177/DISCON Impact Building Services Limited Basement Of Chancel House East Street Bingham Discharge of condition 2 on planning ref: 13/01011/FUL
13/02163/PAA 17 Orchard Avenue Bingham Single storey rear extension measuring 5m from the rear of the dwelling with a maximum height of 2.6m (flat roof)
13/02165/DISCON 20 Newgate Street Bingham Discharge conditions 3, 4 and 6 on planning permission 12/01166/FUL
13/02113/FUL 2 Stanhope Way Bingham Two storey side extension and single storey attached garage
13/02111/DISCON Toot Hill Comprehensive School The Banks Bingham Discharge conditions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of planning permission 12/01824/FUL
13/02021/ADV Toot Hill Comprehensive School The Banks Bingham 5 no. flagpoles with hanging banners
13/02023/GDOTEL Toot Hill Comprehensive School The Banks Bingham 17.5m monopole accommodating 6 no. antenna head frame and 2 no. 300mm dishes (replacing existing 16.9m monopole)
13/01985/ADV 35 Market Place Bingham Display advertisements – 2 externally illuminated fascia signs, two non illuminated wall mounted panels
13/01898/COU 2A Church Street Bingham Change of use from residential to B1a (Office)
13/01928/FUL 55 St Marys Road Bingham Proposed single and two storey extension
13/01897/DISCON 7 Brewsters Close Bingham Discharge of condition 3 on planning permission 13/00900/FUL
13/01856/DISCON 3 Newgate Street Bingham Discharge of conditions 9, 10 and 13 on planning permission 12/00148/VAR
13/01783/DISCON 18 Manor Road Bingham Discharge condition 3 on planning ref: 12/00628.FUL
13/01717/FUL 12 St Marys Road Bingham First floor extension to rear elevation and new entrance porch
13/01647/DISCON 19 Fisher Lane Bingham Discharge of condition 3 on planning perimssion 13/01178/FUL
13/01623/FUL Land Adjacent 2 Hazel Close Bingham Erect three bedroom house and garage
13/01471/FUL Beauvale Nursing Home Moor Lane Bingham Replacement of translucent sheet roof with clay pantile roof
13/01507/NMA Land North East Of Newgate Farm Nottingham Road Bingham 453 Dwellings, access roads, open space, drainage and associated landscaping (alterations to approved floor levels plots 146-153)
13/01505/FUL Butt Field Recreation Ground Station Street Bingham Construction of two floodlight columns (15m high) each with six lights
13/01490/FUL 14 Belvoir Vale Grove Bingham Extension to rear of garage, alterations to roof of garage (including raing height)
13/01473/ADV 3 Newgate Street Bingham Two name signs (individually applied letters) and two freestanding signs
13/01458/FUL 22 Newgate Street Bingham Dormer window and rooflight to rear elevation (following removal of chimney). Rooflight to front elevation
13/01428/PAA 1 Belvoir Vale Grove Bingham Single storey rear extension; extending 3.8m from the rear of the original dwelling; 3.9m high to the ridge and 2.4m high to the eaves
13/01397/NMA 3 Newgate Street Bingham Variation of conditions 3 (energy efficiency), 4 (opening hours) and 17 (demolition and site clearance works) of planning permission 11/01448/FUL
13/01367/FUL 25 Langdale Grove Bingham Extend existing house at the rear and at first floor level. Divide house into two to create two separate dwelling units
13/01185/NMA 5 Milburn Grove Bingham Replace garage door with window to match existing windows and brick up the window on the side elevation
13/01296/FUL 25 Derry Lane Bingham Single storey rear extension,dormer window and rooflights
13/01241/DISCON 2 Priors Close Bingham Discharge Condition 3 of 13/00502/FUL relating to materials
13/01144/FUL Fosse Farm Fosse Way Bingham Conversion of farm buildings to dwelling and demolition of exisiting barn
13/00917/FUL 42 Rockingham Grove Bingham 3 bedroom detached house (revised scheme)
13/00900/FUL 7 Brewsters Close Bingham Single storey extension to side and rear of dwelling
13/00756/DISCON Land Adjacent To Mallow Way And South Of Nottingham Road Bingham Discharge condition 2 relating to 11/00938/FUL
13/01239/PAA 1 Goldcrest Close Bingham Erection of rear conservatory extension:- extending 3.95m from the rear of the dwelling; 2.9m high to the ridge and 1.9m high to the eaves
13/01235/FUL 2 Eaton Place Bingham Retention of air conditioning/extraction units to side elevation
13/01233/COU 39 Long Acre Bingham Change of use to 2no shops on ground floor with flat on first floor and flat on second floor. Reinstatement of attached rear annex to separate residential unit; conversion of former post office/sorting office to business units (B1 or D1) use, use of rear
13/01180/FUL Buttercross Pre School At Robert Miles Infant School School Lane Bingham Retain timber summerhouse
13/01178/FUL 19 Fisher Lane Bingham Replacement garage
13/01011/FUL Impact Building Services Limited Basement Of Chancel House East Street Bingham Retention of storage container
13/00897/DISCON 3 Newgate Street Bingham Discharge condition 2 0f 12/00148/VAR relating to external lighting
13/00846/CLUPRD 15 Douglas Road Bingham Application for certificate of lawfulness in respect of a proposed single storey extension to dwelling
13/00525/OUT Land To North West Of 36 Gillotts Close And To The North East Of 28/30 Kirkhill Pair of semi detached chalet bungalows
13/00040/DISCON 1 Stanhope Way Bingham Discharge of Condition3 relating to materials