The Local Planning Authority consults the Council on all applications that have been received for the area. Due to time constraints some councils establish Planning Committees with delegated powers to comment on the applications on behalf of the council.

This page is updated every Monday with applications that have been validated by the Planning Authority during the previous week.

By clicking on the Application Number you can view details and plans of the application and also comment upon them. At the end of the consultation period, you will be able to click on the Application Number again and read all the comments including those of the parish council and later the decision of the Planning Authority.

Archived planning applications can be found here.

2017 Planning Applications


App. Location Description
18/00036/FUL12 The Teasels, BinghamFirst floor extension to front elevation over existing garage
18/00516/FUL25 Belvoir Vale Grove, BinghamSingle storey rear extension to form garden room
18/00488/FUL48 Wychwood Road, BinghamTwo storey side extension and single storey rear extension
18/00349/COU15 Moorbridge Road, BinghamChange of use from B1 to B1 and B2 (to allow for Motorbike MOT testing)
18/00388/FUL15 Douglas Road, BinghamFirst floor side and rear extension and associated alterations.
18/00298/FULChesterfield Arms, BinghamRetention of the existing public house (Use Class A4); conversion of existing outbuildings to create 4 no. apartments (Use Class C3); removal of gate posts at Church Street access; reconfiguration of the existing car park and beer garden area; and construction of a new building compromising 6 no. apartments (Use Class C3) with associated car parking to be accessed from Long Acre, together with all associated landscaping and other ancillary works.
18/00001/FUL16 Douglas Road, BinghamRevised Description: Two storey rear and side extension, proposed link to existing outbuilding and new dual pitched roof to outbuilding. Previous Description: Two storey rear and side extension and proposed link to existing outbuilding.
18/00242/FUL1 Priors Close, BinghamReplacement of boundary treatment with new fencing and trellis, removal of overgrown trees and new driveway access.
18/00234/FUL1A Copeland Grove, BinghamSingle storey rear extension
17/02986/FUL38 Ringwood Road, BinghamProposed orangery to rear
17/02973/FUL13 Nottingham Road, BinghamTwo storey side extension, single storey rear extension and single storey front porch
17/02779/COU4 Eaton Place, BinghamChange of use from chemist (A1) to nail and beauty salon
17/02960/FUL2 Dove Close, BinghamSingle storey rear extension existing conservatory
17/02929/LBC9 Market Street, BinghamModification of front entrance and internal improvements
17/02904/FULLand north of 11 Tithby Road and west of 2 The Banks, BinghamDemolition of pedestrian access gate piers to facilitate new dwelling
17/02825/FULLand north of 11 Tithby Road and west of 2 The Banks, BinghamDemolition of pedestrian access gate piers and subdivision of land to build a new single storey residence with new vehicular access and on site parking
17/02683/FUL4 Willow Road, BinghamSingle storey side and rear extensions, garage conversion and new front porch
17/02824/FUL4 Wiverton Road, BinghamExtension to front and side of existing bungalow
17/02369/FULLand to the rear of 4 and 6 Dark Lane, BinghamProposed two storey 3 bedroom dwelling with integral garage, off street parking and vehicular access from Raymond Drive
17/02631/FUL27 Tithby Road, BinghamSingle storey extension to rear
17/02434/FULNG Trading Ltd, 21 Moorbridge Road, BinghamExisting industrial unit modified internally to create two independent units with associated changes to the external facades alongside a proposed 5.5m extension to create a third stand alone industrial unit
17/02320/FULL R Mees, BinghamChange of use of first floor from office and store to one flat with ground floor entrance, conversion of existing flat roof to pitched roof
17/02106/REMLand East and West of Chapel Lane, BinghamReserved matters application for 317 residential dwellings (phase 1 of the wider approved development as originally approved under application 10/01962/OUT) including details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of development
17/02283/FUL9 Pinfold, BinghamAddition of pitched roof to single storey elements, enlargement of rear bedroom window
NO NAME7a Union Street, BinghamTo supply alcohol in a new café premises (formally a pizza shop) from 12:00 until 22:00 Monday to Sunday
17/01978/FULLynx Automotive Ltd, 25- 27 Moorbridge Road, BinghamExtension to industrial building to form new unit
Hearth and Heritage - Susan Rowe-Price5 Moorbridge Court, Bingham, NG13 8GGTo supply alcohol via internet sales only between 00:01 and 23:59 daily. The premises are not open to the public
17/02109/FULShell Service Station, SaxondaleDemolition of existing sales building & replacement with new to create enlarged shop & improved customer & staff facilities
17/01833/FUL32 Grove Road, BinghamSingle storey rear extension
17/01579/FULBelford House, 1a Cogley Lane, BinghamReplace conservatory
17/00002/DISCON55 St Marys Road BinghamDischarge condition 3 of 14/00947/FUL
17/00042/TPO36 The Banks BinghamCrown lift, reduction and shaping of two copper beech trees
17/00059/DISCONLidl Chapel Lane BinghamDischarge condition 16 of 15/02341/VAR (amended scheme)
17/00127/FUL25 The Teasels Millers Rise BinghamTwo storey front extension
17/00096/LBCPizza Pasta Bar 7A Union Street BinghamReplacement of street facing shop window
17/00207/FUL3 Copeland Grove BinghamSingle storey rear extension and two storey side extension
17/00217/FUL22 Tithby Road Bingham(Demolition of rear conservatory), two storey rear extension, single storey front extension, first floor side extension (re-submission of 16/01792/FUL)
17/00316/FUL3 Langar Road Bingham(Demolition garages) Two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, roof alterations, external render and associated external works.
17/00293/FUL50 Nottingham Road BinghamSingle storey rear extension, extension to raised terrace and new side canopy
17/00352/FUL22 Newgate Street BinghamSingle storey side and rear extension, single storey front extension
17/00416/FUL22 Newgate Street BinghamDemolition of existing single storey side garage
17/00408/FUL17 Juniper Gardens BinghamSingle and two storey rear extension,front porch
17/00393/COU17 Church Street BinghamChange of use from offices to residential
17/00417/FUL25 Copeland Grove BinghamChange of use of land to garden and its enclosure by new fencing
17/00428/FUL9 Fairfield Street Bingham2 x single level rear extensions (one to house, one to outbuilding)
17/00535/FUL51 Grantham Road BinghamTwo storey rear extension, dormer windows and internal alterations
17/00553/FULThe Old Railway Yard Chapel Lane BinghamChange of use of site to hand car-wash
17/00655/FUL20 Rothbury Grove BinghamTwo storey rear extension
17/00654/FUL36 Newgate Street BinghamTwo storey side extension
17/00731/FULThe Old Cottage 2 East Street BinghamFirst floor extension above existing attached garage. Replace patent glazed panel with roof windows and new window to timber clad wall
17/00761/FULLand To West Of Chapel Lane BinghamRenewal of extant permission for flood management works that include alterations to the Car Dyke to create a meandering alignment and a variable width flood berm, the excavation of a new flood storage lake and the ground raising of surrounding land with surplus spoil. The removal of existing structures on the watercourse and where necessary replacement with structures which have a reduced impact on the conveyance of flood waters
17/00800/FUL17 Garden Road BinghamNew porch
17/00889/FUL2 Aspen Close BinghamRetention of gazebo
17/01000/PAA47 Swallow Drive BinghamSingle storey rear extension having a depth of 8m from a rear wall of the original dwelling; having a ridge height of 3.2m and an eaves height of 2.1m
17/00979/FUL38 Tithby Road Bingham(Demolish existing garage) Two storey side/rear extension, new double garage to front
17/00987/FUL12 Perry Grove BinghamSingle storey to rear/side extension
17/01062/CLUPRDToothill Secondary School The Banks BinghamMezzanine floor infill, internal partition and layout adjustment, over cladding
17/01159/FULWhite Lion Public House Nottingham Road BinghamReplace existing picket fence to south elevation boundary wall with new timber and mesh fence. Install new feature 'shed' hut with additional furniture, planting and section of astro turf to garden area.
17/00458/NMA55 St Marys Road BinghamSingle storey and two storey extension and balustrading to form balcony (re-submission of 13/01928/FUL) (changes to materials - clad first floor extension with cement board cladding and white render to garage opening at ground floor)
17/01084/FUL28 Tithby Road Bingham(Demolish existing rear porch). Erect new front porch, part garage conversion, new pitched roof to garage, first floor rear extension, render and timber cladding to external elevations, internal alterations.
17/01082/FUL8 Rutland Road BinghamSingle storey front extension
17/01154/FUL45 Cogley Lane BinghamTwo storey rear extension, single storey front extension, dormer to side elevation
17/01170/VARLand West Of Chapel Lane BinghamVary condition 3, 4, 14, 24 and 43 and remove condition 7, 37 and 38 of outline planning permission 10/01962/OUT
17/01189/FUL11 Nottingham Road Bingham(Remove existing shed) Erection of a single storey frer extension,(incorporating the conversion of an existing outbuilding
17/01212/FULNatWest Bank 27 Market Place BinghamRemove existing NatWest brand signage, ATM and night safe. Infill existing ATM and Night Safe apertures with new stainless steel blanking plate.
17/01194/COUUpper Brackendale Farm Tithby Road BinghamUse of part of existing farm building as an office space for the operation of a taxi business
17/01274/NMA10 Newgate Street BinghamConversion of outbuildings to a 2 bed dwelling and a new garage/drive to existing property (omission of porch on Newgate Street elevation, change door opening on Newgate Street to window, and bricking up existing opening below cill level)
17/01278/COUChesterfield House 1 Station Street BinghamChange of use from D1 to B1 offices
17/01181/COU18 Market Place BinghamChange of use of part of building (Suite 6) from office to beauty salon
17/01199/FULNewgate Farm Nottingham Road BinghamTwo storey front and side extension, single storey side extension, single storey rear extension.
17/01298/FULThe Old Railway Yard Chapel Lane BinghamChange of use of site to hand car wash and siting of portacabin
17/01407/ADVFraser Brown Solicitors 19 Union Street BinghamDisplay sign (banner type) advertisement to side elevation
17/01489/FUL31 Brewsters Close BinghamReplace garage roof
17/01539/FUL3 Langar Road BinghamTwo storey side extension and single storey rear extension. Roof alterations. External render and associated works (re-submission).
17/01578/DEMOLRailway Signal Box Kirk Hill BinghamDemolition of Bingham Signal Box
17/01068/LBCThe Wheatsheaf Inn Long Acre BinghamAlterations to first and second floors, insertion of additional windows, repairs and replacements of some windows and doors, installation of external canopy - to form guest bedrooms and associated ancillary accommodation
17/01067/FULThe Wheatsheaf Inn Long Acre BinghamInsertion of 2 windows to east elevation, 2 extract grills to west elevation, canopy to rear elevation, replacement of doors and windows, internal alterations to form 5 guest bedrooms.
17/01488/TPO27 The Banks BinghamFell Cypress And Whitebeam Trees
17/01619/FUL15-17 Derry Lane BinghamProposed new cottage and alterations to existing cottage